If you are considering separation or divorce, take steps now to protect your personal online and electronic information, especially regarding your finances. In many of today's marriages, couples share a wide variety of digital accounts and devices such as home computers/laptops, wireless networks, tablets, email and more. They may also share the passwords that allow access to all of the above. … [Read more...]
Five proven benefits of gratitude — even if you are going through divorce
Facing difficult life challenges, such as going through a divorce, may not seem like a logical time to be thankful. Yet studies have shown that cultivating gratitude, even when the chips are down, can have profound impact on our health -- for the better. Gratitude improves physical health. A 2012 study published in Personality and Individual Differences found that grateful people exercise … [Read more...]
Dividing pensions in a divorce may require special financial assistance
If you and your spouse are considering, or are in the process of divorce, and one or both of you has a corporate or civil service pension, know that all pensions are not created equal. This fact is extremely important to understand as you proceed toward an equitable division of your marital estate. In dividing pension benefits in a divorce, your attorney will be required to create a QDRO … [Read more...]
Don’t forget these marital assets in your divorce
Often, many of the women I work with on their divorce finances know very little, sometimes nothing, about their marital assets (or liabilities for that matter). This is gradually changing, but surprisingly, still exists. Maybe the husband has simply kept the information largely to himself, or the wife doesn't feel she understands finances like she should, so leaves it up to her spouse, or she … [Read more...]
Ten facts about divorce that may surprise you
Myths about divorce abound. For one thing, divorce laws vary from state to state. So, quite often, people are confused due to what they have heard about celebrity divorces, or a friend or family member's divorce in another state. To help bridge this knowledge gap, I have compiled a list of ten facts about divorce that may surprise you. You may be responsible for debts incurred by your spouse … [Read more...]
Divorce and long-term care insurance
Being financially prepared for the possibility that you could require long-term care is an important part of retirement planning. Yet, too many people hope for the best and don't give this much thought. Our rapidly aging population, lengthening longevity and unpredictable health care costs highlight the need for long-term care insurance. So, couples getting a divorce, especially those approaching … [Read more...]
New tax law may impact your divorce in 2018
The ink is barely dry on the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" which both houses of Congress passed on Dec. 20, 2017, yet, accountants are scrambling to figure out how the 500-page law will affect their clients this year. Most can't believe this complicated and confusing law is effective immediately. "We don't have a year to figure it out," said one notable tax expert. And some are warning the new law … [Read more...]
Looking for clues of bad behavior during divorce (part two)
In part one of our blog post with this headline, we discussed a variety of red flags to look for during the divorce process that may indicate a spouse is behaving badly. We also offered tips to better protect yourself against such behavior, as well as how to educate yourself about the divorce process and what to expect. In this blog post, we will take our examination of bad behavior during … [Read more...]
If facing divorce in the New Year, take time now to prepare
If you are considering divorce in 2017, you are probably dreading the approaching holidays. Let’s face it, no one wants to acknowledge marital discord when the theme is “joy” and “good cheer.” As the New Year approaches, you may want to consider focusing now on preparation and planning for what lies ahead. Here are some steps you can take before and during the holidays that will lay the ground … [Read more...]