It’s often difficult for individuals and couples to fully understand how a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) can assist them in their divorce process. So, I am developing a series of case studies that illustrate how I’ve helped my clients achieve their goals and reach a divorce settlement they are satisfied with. This divorce case included a prenup, lots of separate property … [Read more...]
Women's Issues for Divorce
There are many issues that women need to be especially attentive to during a divorce. Many women are not familiar with their family’s finances and may not be well positioned to deal with financial matters on their own. Credit may be in the name of the husband, so a wife may be in a position where she has no credit rating in her own name. Bank accounts and the money in them may suddenly become inaccessible. Family income may have been provided solely by the husband and the wife may have been out of the job market for years, or never in it, and may not have current skills or the ability to provide family support on her own.
If children are involved, it is more common that primary responsibility for their care will reside with the wife. This raises many issues of financial responsibility as well as requirements for sharing decision-making authority about important health, education, and social issues.
All these are very important matters, and professional assistance in addressing them can be critical to a suitable outcome. Read about the steps to take to prepare for divorce before going any further. Patricia is qualified and experienced in helping with these things.
Address health insurance in divorce settlement
Health insurance is the most important kind of insurance coverage a person carries. There are more bankruptcies because of medical bills than from any other cause. This is an extremely important financial issue for couples facing divorce. Securing health insurance coverage for both spouses, and any children, is clearly something that should be included in a divorce … [Read more...]
Long-term care insurance and divorce
Being financially prepared for the possibility that you could require long-term care is an important part of retirement planning. Yet, too many people hope for the best and don’t give this much thought. Our rapidly aging population, lengthening longevity and unpredictable health care costs highlight the need for long-term care insurance. So, couples getting a divorce, especially those approaching … [Read more...]
What happens to the family home in a divorce?
The question of what happens to “the house” in a divorce is often one that requires careful consideration. In my experience, this issue is often clouded by emotions that can get in the way of the couple, or one spouse, making the best financial decision. I advise my clients to pause, set aside emotions and objectively consider all the significant, interrelated factors before deciding on what … [Read more...]
Is your spouse hiding assets, income or debt?
I If you are currently in a dysfunctional marriage, or considering divorce, you may be wondering if your spouse could be hiding assets, income or debts from you. Sadly, your fears are not that unusual. In fact, financial mischief is fairly widespread among couples today, even if they are not in the process of divorce. According to a study conducted by The National Endowment for … [Read more...]
Five proven benefits of gratitude — even if you are going through divorce
Facing difficult life challenges, such as going through a divorce, may not seem like a logical time to be thankful. Yet studies have shown that cultivating gratitude, even when the chips are down, can have profound impact on our health -- for the better. Gratitude improves physical health. A 2012 study published in Personality and Individual Differences found that grateful people exercise … [Read more...]
Don’t forget these marital assets in your divorce
Often, many of the women I work with on their divorce finances know very little, sometimes nothing, about their marital assets (or liabilities for that matter). This is gradually changing, but surprisingly, still exists. Maybe the husband has simply kept the information largely to himself, or the wife doesn't feel she understands finances like she should, so leaves it up to her spouse, or she … [Read more...]
Divorce and employer bonuses
An often overlooked asset that should be legally divided in a divorce settlement is the company or employer bonus. Many attorneys forget to address the community nature of such bonuses. Even if they are paid in the year following divorce, company bonuses are partially community property. Bonuses are paid for the preceding year’s services or performance. The settlement agreement or divorce … [Read more...]
Ten facts about divorce that may surprise you
Myths about divorce abound. For one thing, divorce laws vary from state to state. So, quite often, people are confused due to what they have heard about celebrity divorces, or a friend or family member's divorce in another state. To help bridge this knowledge gap, I have compiled a list of ten facts about divorce that may surprise you. You may be responsible for debts incurred by your spouse … [Read more...]
Divorce and long-term care insurance
Being financially prepared for the possibility that you could require long-term care is an important part of retirement planning. Yet, too many people hope for the best and don't give this much thought. Our rapidly aging population, lengthening longevity and unpredictable health care costs highlight the need for long-term care insurance. So, couples getting a divorce, especially those approaching … [Read more...]