If you are considering separation or divorce, take steps now to protect your personal online and electronic information, especially regarding your finances. In many of today's marriages, couples share a wide variety of digital accounts and devices such as home computers/laptops, wireless networks, tablets, email and more. They may also share the passwords that allow access to all of the above. … [Read more...]
Divorce Planning
Divorce planning involves consideration of a wide range of issues including parenting and child custody (when children are involved), and often very complex financial matters. We provide expertise in identifying all the issues that need to be discussed and resolved between the parties in such a way that communication is enhanced and better decisions for all can be reached in the process.
We have created a number of articles addressing many of these topics and offer them for your consideration to assist you in preparing for the sometimes lengthy process of preparing for the divorce.
Related Topics:
Separating Emotions from Business
Most people would agree that getting a divorce may cause uncertainty and pain. But couples who separate the emotional from the business aspects of divorce will have financial security and far less anxiety. Since you are searching for help, you have already taken an important big step toward achieving that goal. Developing the ability to review assets analytically remains key to your successful … [Read more...]
Divorce insurance for the happily married
Whether you acknowledge that any marriage can end in divorce, the possibility exists. I can't tell you how many clients tell me they never saw divorce coming. Then, we find out together, they are not very well prepared for the divorce process with regard to their finances. Think about it this way. No one wants to face the possibility that your home could burn down, or that you could get into a … [Read more...]
“Can I be reimbursed for money my spouse wasted during our marriage?”
In a divorce, identifying, calculating and dividing property and assets can get very complex. Clients often ask me if they can be reimbursed in the divorce settlement for specific unusual, community spending during the marriage, or “waste,” by their soon-to-be-ex-spouse. In Texas, a law was passed in 2011 to help innocent spouses “reconstitute the community estate” if the other spouse has … [Read more...]
Facing divorce during COVID-19 (CoronaVirus)? Don’t despair; prepare
If you were considering divorce in 2020, you may be like many other women now: up to your neck in dealing with COVID-19 (CoronaVirus) in your personal life, and in your work life. You also may be sheltering-in-place with a partner you’d rather not see day-in and day-out. Know that you are not alone! Here are some steps you can take during the stay-at-home mandates that will lay the … [Read more...]
Spousal and Child Support During Divorce
Dealing with the Spouse It is especially important to be business-like with your spouse, since emotions can interfere with negotiations. Don’t let old battles rekindle. Refuse to continue a meeting that degenerates into a battle. While you want to be clear about what is important to you, try not to make your demands excessive. Never use your children as a pawn to hurt the spouse or draw … [Read more...]
Dividing 401(k) savings, corporate benefits and pension funds in a divorce
If you and your spouse are considering, or are in the process of divorce, and one or both of you has corporate or civil service benefits, or a 401(k) savings and/or pension plan, part of the division of these marital assets will involve the drafting of a QDRO, or Qualified Domestic Relations Order. It is important that you understand how this works. QDROs are documents mandated by federal law … [Read more...]
What happens to the family home in a divorce?
The question of what happens to “the house” in a divorce is often one that requires careful consideration. In my experience, this issue is often clouded by emotions that can get in the way of the couple, or one spouse, making the best financial decision. I advise my clients to pause, set aside emotions and objectively consider all the significant, interrelated factors before deciding on what … [Read more...]
Don’t fight over pots and pans
As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, I consider my primary focus to be one of helping divorcing individuals and couples sort out and divide the marital estate in an equitable manner. This typically requires gathering all financial documents and statements with regard to all assets and debts. This includes the couple’s savings accounts, retirement accounts, credit card statements, brokerage … [Read more...]
What you may not know about divorce and debt
The financial aspects of a divorce case involve multiple, interrelated components. All eyes are typically on the couple’s assets and how to equitably divide them in a settlement. Yet, in my view, one area of a couple's financial landscape that warrants equally close consideration during divorce is the couple’s debt. Get a credit report on yourself and your spouse I recommend ordering a … [Read more...]
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