Q: Am I responsible for my spouse’s debts even when I had nothing to do with the charges? A: Debts from before marriage are a person’s separate debt and you wouldn’t be liable; however, if the debt was incurred during the marriage in order to provide necessities like clothing, food, etc. then you too are liable. Read more on divorce and debt, here. Q: Is my IRA community property even though it … [Read more...]
Divorce FAQs
We have a section of our website that is devoted to questions that divorcing spouses come to before, during, and sometimes after a divorce. It is helpful to review these in hopes of avoiding devastating or traumatic turns in the path to a new life.
Important Divorce Questions to Ask Before One Files
When separating from a spouse, many couples have a lot of divorce questions. Separating is not as “simple” as it used to be with laws, taxes, children, households, and other things to consider before breaking those ties that bind. No one wants to think about such a final ending to a once romantic, blissful relationship. However, when things happen that reconciliation is not possible, knowing some … [Read more...]
Divorce Terminology
Citation: When a respondent refuses to sign a waiver, a citation is issued giving them notice of the petition and demanding a response within 20 days. Collaborative Divorce: Is comprised of a series of meetings with the emphasis on negotiation and mediation to arrive at an amicable settlement. If no mutual settlement can be reached the collaborative process is abandoned, the attorneys resign … [Read more...]