In the past, divorce processes have been primarily adversarial in nature. In a typical divorce scenario, spouses each hire an attorney, and then a variety of expert consultants who advise them on finances and custody plans. This type of divorce can go on for many months or even years, driving up fees and increasing a couple's stress levels, anxiety and animosity. Children can get caught in the … [Read more...]
Collaborative Divorce in Texas
Collaborative divorce works by way of a series of meetings between the two attorneys and divorcing parties. Each meeting has a specific agenda, along with rules for behavior.
Attorneys are trained to negotiate a divorce settlement without the use of litigation. They usually utilize mediation skills to smooth the process. Collaborative attorneys are required to resign if an amicable agreement between the parties cannot be reached and the couple chooses to go to court to settle.
Frequently, a divorce financial analyst is included as a neutral financial professional in order to work out the nitty-gritty of the monetary settlement. Patricia is trained in the methods of Collaborative Divorce, wherein she acts as a neutral financial professional to work with both spouses to divide assets and clarify the long-term effects of the division. With her training in mediation, she possesses effective communication skills to work in this delicate situation.
We offer Financial Planning for Divorce Mediation in Texas.
Four ways to get divorced, Part 3 — Collaborative Divorce in Texas
Couples facing divorce may want to explore a relatively new option for legally ending marriage in Texas called Collaborative Divorce. This very distinct model emphasizes cooperation over confrontation, and problem-solving over grievance-airing. It was developed as a way to reduce conflict and the emotional anguish of a traditional divorce process, especially when children are involved. In the … [Read more...]
The Role of a Financial Professional in Collaborative Divorce
In order to achieve the most positive settlement possible for their collaborative divorce clients, attorneys often develop a relationship with an experienced financial professional who has the expertise to calculate the future consequences of a proposed settlement. The team of attorney and financial planner combines legal experience and knowledge with financial experience and expertise. This … [Read more...]
How Collaborative Divorce Works
In actual practice, the concepts of the Collaborative Divorce process are the opposite of almost everything attorneys have been trained to do. It demands a definite shift in an attorney’s mindset and methods to successfully handle a case collaboratively. The differences between adversarial and collaborative are profound. The divorcing parties and attorneys also agree to cooperate fully in … [Read more...]
Garage Sale Litigation
In the July 2011 Divorce Magazine, there was an article entitled "Highland Park's Finest Garage Sale." The article read "Our next door neighbor recently held a garage sale. At the edge of the driveway, she'd placed a cushion-less leather couch. 'Where are the cushions?' I asked when I walked over. "The answer came not from the owner herself, but from a second neighbor after an awkward silence. … [Read more...]